This is my very first blog with!!
Hello, world!!
For those of you who have been following my writing journey, you know that I've had my Web site going for about two years now. You've probably checked it out and have seen the changes I've made. (I've actually redone my site four times!) I've been talking about Winter's Past, my debut novel, and I recently posted my book trailer on Youtube--and my Web site. Some of you may receive my newsletter Notes from the North Woods and you have been hearing about and praying for my writing projects. Thank you, sweet friends. Thank you for being there for me and for the kind of words of encouragement along the way.
If you are brand new to my writing world, "Hello! And welcome."
Each of us has a dream to do something special. A mission. A challenge. A hope that springs up within us every time we think of doing what is in our heart to do. In Love and War, John Eldredge says, "Our hearts are made to live a life that matters, a life of epic significance." What is in your heart, calling you out, wooing you to do that special, unchartered mission that only you can do in just the way you would do it? I believe that "something" is God's call on your life.
When I was 13, I got my first typewriter, and immediately, I started writing a story for a book. As long as I can remember, I have loved imagining, and writing gave me a perfect outlet for creating stories with inspiration and heart. Later, I started writing plays, and I loved getting to see my words acted out on stage. This is still one of the great joys in my life!
Today, many years later, I yet carry a dream in my heart to see my stories published. I can see my book Winter's Past on my bookshelf, along with many more.
For a while, I gave up on having anything published. Yes, it's true. I just gave up. I decided that maybe it wasn't God's will for me to walk in that path, and I pursued other avenues. I wrote plays for schools and saw them produced and lives blessed. I raised my family and worked. But in the back of my mind, I carried stories that I hoped to one day see in real books.
Two years ago, I stopped working a full-time job and ever since, I've worked on some aspect of pursuing publication: editing, getting a Web site going, making a book trailer, and learning the ropes of marketing--this I am learning day by day. To be a successful writer, whether you go through a traditional publishing house or self-publishing, you must learn to market your own work. Times have changed, and writers must be advertisers, sellers, promoters, and speech givers. Wow. But it's true.
A year ago, the economy was at a real low, and most of what I read online was negative talk about the publishing industry. Many doors were closed to new writers--a discouraging fact for me. In recent days, a few agents are creaking their doors open to us newbies, and that is such a blessing. A sweet hope. Some fellow-writers I know are turning to houses where authors must pay a portion of the publishing costs to see their work in print--or self-publishing--and I must decide which avenue I will take.
Whichever way I go, I've set my mind like a flint to pursue this desire of my heart to have my story ideas published. Here, on this brand new blog, I'm going to share my journey.
What is your dream? Have you had something inside of you that you've wanted to do for a long time? Has God put a special desire in your heart? If so, don't become discouraged. You may have to wait a while. Things may need to change--whether you need to educate yourself, read more books on the subject, listen to the words of those who have gone before you. Whatever you have to do, do it, and don't give up.
For many reasons, some of us have shelved our dream. Work. Family responsibilities. Lack of funds. Busyness. If you have set aside something that yet churns in your heart to accomplish, keep pursuing it. Keep praying about it. Let God open a door for you to see your dream fulfilled. You will be so blessed.
I'm still believing for my dream. If it's God's will, it will happen. And I am so ready to do my part.